Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010


Recount text is a text is used to retell events for the purpose of informing

or entertaining.

The text is biographical recount text, the focus is on a sequence of event all

Of which related to a particular person.

• When writing recounts, we should:

  1. Focus on individual people
  2. Use words which indicate when
  3. Where to events took place
  4. Write in the past tense
  5. Use action words

Purpose (s) of the recount text are:

» to retell what happened

» to tell a series of events

» to entertain or to amuse the readers

Scructure of recount text:


The recount generally begins on orientation it gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text.

And orientation telling the readers about:

  1. Who has involved
  2. When it happened
  3. Where it happened


Then the recount unfolds with a series of events (ordered in a chronological sequence).


At various stages there many be same personal comment on the incident. We call it re-orientation.

Language features:

» Use of simple past tense

» Use of personal pronoun (I, we)

» Use of temporal conjuctions (when , after, before, next, later, then)

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